
Riihimaki, L. D., Cronin, M. F., Acharya, R., Anderson, N., Augustine, J. A., Balmes, K. A., Berk, P., Bozzano, R., Bucholtz, A., Connell, K. J., Cox, C. J., Di Sarra, A. G., Edson, J., Fairall, C. W., Farrar, J. T., Grissom, K., Guerra, M. T., Hormann, V., Joseph, K. J., … Zhang, D. (2024). Ocean surface radiation measurement best practices. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1359149.
Stokes, I. A., Kelly, S. M., Lucas, A. J., Waterhouse, A. F., Whalen, C. B., Klenz, T., Hormann, V., & Centurioni, L. (2024). A Generalized Slab Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54(3), 949–965.
Stanford University, Thomas, L., Kelly, S., Klenz, T., Young, W., Rainville, L., Simmons, H., Hormann, V., & Stokes, I. (2024). Why Near-Inertial Waves Are Less Affected by Vorticity in the Northeast Pacific Than in the North Atlantic. Oceanography.
Haram, L. E., Carlton, J. T., Centurioni, L., Choong, H., Cornwell, B., Crowley, M., Egger, M., Hafner, J., Hormann, V., Lebreton, L., Maximenko, N., McCuller, M., Murray, C., Par, J., Shcherbina, A., Wright, C., & Ruiz, G. M. (2023). Extent and reproduction of coastal species on plastic debris in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7(5), 687–697.
Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., & Paluszkiewicz, T. (2023). Persistence of Cold Wedges in the Somali Current System. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(4).
Thomas, L. N., Skyllingstad, E. D., Rainville, L., Hormann, V., Centurioni, L., Moum, J. N., Asselin, O., & Lee, C. M. (2023). Damping of Inertial Motions through the Radiation of Near-Inertial Waves in a Dipole Vortex in the Iceland Basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(8), 1821–1833.
Cronin, M. F., Swart, S., Marandino, C. A., Anderson, C., Browne, P., Chen, S., Joubert, W. R., Schuster, U., Venkatesan, R., Addey, C. I., Alves, O., Ardhuin, F., Battle, S., Bourassa, M. A., Chen, Z., Chory, M., Clayson, C., de Souza, R. B., du Plessis, M., … Yu, L. (2023). Developing an Observing Air–Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) for the global ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Essink, S., Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., & Mahadevan, A. (2022). On Characterizing Ocean Kinematics from Surface Drifters. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 39(8), 1183–1198.
Klenz, T., Simmons, H. L., Centurioni, L., Lilly, J. M., Early, J. J., & Hormann, V. (2022). Estimates of Near-Inertial Wind Power Input Using Novel In Situ Wind Measurements from Minimet Surface Drifters in the Iceland Basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(10), 2417–2430.
Zeiden, K. L., Rudnick, D. L., MacKinnon, J. A., Hormann, V., & Centurioni, L. (2022). Vorticity in the Wake of Palau from Lagrangian Surface Drifters. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(9), 2237–2255.
Maximenko, N., Palacz, A. P., Biermann, L., Carlton, J., Centurioni, L., Crowley, M., Hafner, J., Haram, L., Helm, R. R., Hormann, V., Murray, C., Ruiz, G., Shcherbina, A., Stopa, J., Streett, D., Tanhua, T., Wright, C., & Zabin, C. (2021). An integrated observing system for monitoring marine debris and biodiversity. Oceanography, 34(4), 52–60.
Shroyer, E., Tandon, A., Sengupta, D., Fernando, H. J. S., Lucas, A. J., Farrar, J. T., Chattopadhyay, R., de Szoeke, S., Flatau, M., Rydbeck, A., Wijesekera, H., McPhaden, M., Seo, H., Subramanian, A., Venkatesan, R., Joseph, J., Ramsundaram, S., Gordon, A. L., Bohman, S. M., … Subrahmanyam, B. (2021). Bay of Bengal intraseasonal oscillations and the 2018 monsoon onset. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(10), E1936–E1951.
Thomas, L. N., Rainville, L., Asselin, O., Young, W. R., Girton, J., Whalen, C. B., Centurioni, L., & Hormann, V. (2020). Direct observations of near-inertial wave zeta-refraction in a dipole vortex. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(21).
Jinadasa, S. U. P., Pathirana, G., Ranasinghe, P. N., Centurioni, L., & Hormann, V. (2020). Monsoonal impact on circulation pathways in the Indian Ocean. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 39(3), 103–112.
Andres, M., Siegelman, M., Hormann, V., Musgrave, R. C., Merrifield, S. T., Rudnick, D. L., Merrifield, M. A., Alford, M. H., Voet, G., Wijesekera, H. W., MacKinnon, J. A., Centurioni, L., Nash, J. D., & Terrill, E. J. (2019). Eddies, topography, and the abyssal flow by the Kyushu-Palau Ridge near Velasco Reef. Oceanography, 32(4), 46–55.
Johnston, T. M. S., Schonau, M. C., Paluszkiewicz, T., MacKinnon, J. A., Arbic, B. K., Colin, P. L., Alford, M. H., Andres, M., Centurioni, L., Graber, H. C., Helfrich, K. R., Hormann, V., Lermusiaux, P. F. J., Musgrave, R. C., Powell, B. S., Qiu, B., Rudnick, D. L., Simmons, H. L., St Laurent, L., … Zeiden, K. L. (2019). Flow Encountering Abrupt Topography (Fleat): A multiscale observational and modeling program to understand how topography affects flows in the western North Pacific. Oceanography, 32(4), 10–21.
Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., & Gordon, A. L. (2019). Freshwater export pathways from the Bay of Bengal. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 168.
Essink, S., Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., & Mahadevan, A. (2019). Can we detect submesoscale motions in drifter pair dispersion? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(9), 2237–2254.
Centurioni, L. R., Turton, J., Lumpkin, R., Braasch, L., Brassington, G., Chao, Y., Charpentier, E., Chen, Z. H., Corlett, G., Dohan, K., Donlon, C., Gallage, C., Hormann, V., Ignatov, A., Ingleby, B., Jensen, R., Kelly-Gerreyn, B. A., Koszalka, I. M., Lin, X. P., … Zhang, D. X. (2019). Global in situ observations of essential climate and ocean variables at the air-sea interface. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6.
Rainville, L., Centurioni, L. R., Asher, W. E., Clayson, C. A., Drushka, K., Edson, J. B., Hodges, B. A., Hermann, V., Farrar, J. T., Schanze, J. J., & Shcherbina, A. Y. (2019). Novel and flexible approach to access the open ocean uses of sailing research vessel Lady Amber during SPURS-2. Oceanography, 32(2), 116–121.
Lindstrom, E. J., Shcherbina, A. Y., Rainville, L., Farrar, J. T., Centurioni, L. R., Dong, S. F., D’Asaro, E. A., Eriksen, C., Fratantoni, D. M., Hodges, B. A., Hormann, V., Kessler, W. S., Lee, C. M., Riser, S. C., St Laurent, L., & Volkov, D. L. (2017). Autonomous Multi-Platform Observations During the Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study. Oceanography, 30(2), 38–48.
Centurioni, L. R., Hormann, V., Talley, L. D., Arzeno, I., Beal, L., Caruso, M., Conry, P., Echols, R., Fernando, H. J. S., Giddings, S. N., Gordon, A., Graber, H., Harcourt, R. R., Jayne, S. R., Jensen, T. G., Lee, C. M., Lermusiaux, P. F. J., L’Hegaret, P., Lucas, A. J., … Wang, H. (2017). Northern Arabian Sea Circulation Autonomous Research (NASCar): A research initiative based on autonomous sensors. Oceanography, 30(2), 74–87.
Hemantha W. Wijesekera, Emily Shroyer, Amit Tandon, M. Ravichandran, Debasis Sengupta, S. U. P. Jinadasa, Harindra J. S. Fernando, Neeraj Agrawal, K. Arulananthan, G. S. Bhat, Mark Baumgartner, Jared Buckley, Luca Centurioni, Patrick Conry, J. Thomas Farrar, Arnold L. Gordon, Verena Hormann, Ewa Jarosz, Tommy G. Jensen, … Caitlin B. Whalen. (2016). ASIRI: An Ocean–Atmosphere Initiative for Bay of Bengal. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(10), 1859–1884.
Lee, C. M., Jinadasa, S. U. P., Anutaliya, A., Centurioni, L. R., Fernando, H. J. S., Hormann, V., Lankhorst, M., Rainville, L., Send, U., & Wijesekera, H. W. (2016). Collaborative observations of boundary currents, water mass variability, and monsoon response in the southern Bay of Bengal. Oceanography, 29(2), 102–111.
Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., Mahadevan, A., Essink, S., D’Asaro, E. A., & Kumar, B. P. (2016). Variability of near-surface circulation and sea surface salinity observed from lagrangian drifters in the northern Bay of Bengal during the waning 2015 southwest monsoon. Oceanography, 29(2), 124–133.
Centurioni, L. R., Hormann, V., Chao, Y., Reverdin, G., Font, J., & Lee, D. K. (2015). Sea surface salinity observations with Lagrangian Drifters in the Tropical North Atlantic During SPURS: Circulation, fluxes, and comparisons with remotely sensed salinity from Aquarius. Oceanography, 28(1), 96–105.
Reverdin, G., Morisset, S., Marie, L., Bourras, D., Sutherland, G., Ward, B., Salvador, J., Font, J., Cuypers, Y., Centurioni, L., Hormann, V., Koldziejczyk, N., Boutin, J., D’Ovidio, F., Nencioli, F., Martin, N., Diverres, D., Alory, G., & Lumpkin, R. (2015). Surface salinity in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre during the STRASSE/SPURS Summer 2012 cruise. Oceanography, 28(1), 114–123.
Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., & Reverdin, G. (2015). Evaluation of drifter salinities in the subtropical North Atlantic. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 32(1), 185–192.
Perez, R. C., Hormann, V., Lumpkin, R., Brandt, P., Johns, W. E., Hernandez, F., Schmid, C., & Bourles, B. (2014). Mean meridional currents in the central and eastern equatorial Atlantic. Climate Dynamics, 43(11), 2943–2962.
D’Asaro, E. A., Black, P. G., Centurioni, L. R., Chang, Y. T., Chen, S. S., Foster, R. C., Graber, H. C., Harr, P., Hormann, V., Lien, R. C., Lin, I. I., Sanford, T. B., Tang, T. Y., & Wu, C. C. (2014). Impact of Typhoons on the Ocean in the Pacific. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(9), 1405–1418.
Hormann, V., Centurioni, L. R., Rainville, L., Lee, C. M., & Braasch, L. J. (2014). Response of upper ocean currents to Typhoon Fanapi. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(11), 3995–4003.
Beal, L. M., Hormann, V., Lumpkin, R., & Foltz, G. R. (2013). The response of the surface circulation of the Arabian Sea to monsoonal forcing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(9), 2008–2022.
Hormann, V., Lumpkin, R., & Perez, R. C. (2013). A generalized method for estimating the structure of the equatorial Atlantic cold tongue: Application to drifter observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30(8), 1884–1895.
Goes, M., Goni, G., Hormann, V., & Perez, R. C. (2013). Variability of the Atlantic off-equatorial eastward currents during 1993-2010 using a synthetic method. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118(6), 3026–3045.
Brandt, P., Greatbatch, R. J., Claus, M., Didwischus, S. H., Hormann, V., Funk, A., Hahn, J., Krahmann, G., Fischer, J., & Kortzinger, A. (2012). Ventilation of the equatorial Atlantic by the equatorial deep jets. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117. C12015 10.1029/2012jc008118
Hormann, V., Lumpkin, R., & Foltz, G. R. (2012). Interannual North Equatorial Countercurrent variability and its relation to tropical Atlantic climate modes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117. C04035 10.1029/2011jc007697
Perez, R. C., Lumpkin, R., Johns, W. E., Foltz, G. R., & Hormann, V. (2012). Interannual variations of Atlantic tropical instability waves. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117. C03011 10.1029/2011jc007584
Brandt, P., Funk, A., Hormann, V., Dengler, M., Greatbatch, R. J., & Toole, J. M. (2011). Interannual atmospheric variability forced by the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 473(7348), 497-U237.
Brandt, P., Caniaux, G., Bourles, B., Lazar, A., Dengler, M., Funk, A., Hormann, V., Giordani, H., & Marin, F. (2011). Equatorial upper-ocean dynamics and their interaction with the West African monsoon. Atmospheric Science Letters, 12(1), 24–30.
Brandt, P., Hormann, V., Kortzinger, A., Visbeck, M., Krahmann, G., Stramma, L., Lumpkin, R., & Schmid, C. (2010). Changes in the Ventilation of the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Tropical North Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(8), 1784–1801.
Hormann, V., & Brandt, P. (2009). Upper equatorial Atlantic variability during 2002 and 2005 associated with equatorial Kelvin waves. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114. C03007 10.1029/2008jc005101
Fischer, J., Hormann, V., Brandt, P., Schott, F. A., Rabe, B., & Funk, A. (2008). South Equatorial Undercurrent in the western to central tropical Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(21). L21601 10.1029/2008gl035753
Brandt, P., Hormann, V., Bourles, B., Fischer, J., Schott, F. A., Stramma, L., & Dengler, M. (2008). Oxygen tongues and zonal currents in the equatorial Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 113(C4). C04012 10.1029/2007jc004435
Hormann, V., & Brandt, P. (2007). Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent and associated cold tongue variability. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112(C6). C06017 10.1029/2006jc003931
Brandt, P., Schott, F. A., Provost, C., Kartavtseff, A., Hormann, V., Bourles, B., & Fischer, J. (2006). Circulation in the central equatorial Atlantic: Mean and intraseasonal to seasonal variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(7). L07609 10.1029/2005gl025498